Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How I can use Blogger in the classroom

Blogger will be an excellent tool for communication purposes -- in and outside of the traditional classroom. I can use the tool the following ways:
1. Sharing current events related to personal finance, for my students in my Personal Finance class.
2. Quick reference guide to all of the links that I share with my students (they can use for their projects and/or at home for personal use.
3. I can post upcoming agendas or homework assignments. I can also upload or provide links to classwork that an absent student may need.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather,
    I like all the uses for your blogs in class - personal finance is such an important topic to learn - I wish that was a course offered to me back in the older days! The sharing of current events is a great plan.
    Mary Kelly
