Friday, January 30, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Check out the NYC itinerary!!

How I can use Blogger in the classroom

Blogger will be an excellent tool for communication purposes -- in and outside of the traditional classroom. I can use the tool the following ways:
1. Sharing current events related to personal finance, for my students in my Personal Finance class.
2. Quick reference guide to all of the links that I share with my students (they can use for their projects and/or at home for personal use.
3. I can post upcoming agendas or homework assignments. I can also upload or provide links to classwork that an absent student may need.

Check out our NYC Trip itinerary!

Google Map Demo

Here is our map to Wall Street NYC

A little about me....

Hi everyone, I am a wife, mom, and teacher. I use every moment to be a "teachable moment"; whether it is with a friend, family member or a student. I love teaching. I am passionate about my subject matter. I am a people person -- who loves to share knowledge. I am not an expert in Personal Finance; I learn a lot from the best financial advisors out there: Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey to name a couple! I hope you enjoy my blog :)

Did you know.....

A few small changes can make you financial independent in the future!!


Pay off your credit card every month (don't have a balance that carries over, you will waste your money on interest charges!)

No matter what your age, save into a retirement account (the earlier, the better); and do this regularly -- IRA or 401k/403b are great investment vehicles

Live below your means! If you earn a take home pay of $35,000/year; your expenses should not be more than that each year! You will just set yourself up for financial disaster!!

Keep positive, and make small changes -- you will see the difference!

Back in Massachusetts and teaching Personal Finance!

Hi everyone! It's been quite a while since I last posted. Life got busy quite fast!! I am now living in Massachusetts again, and teaching at the high school level. I finally found a school that offers Personal Finance and I can concentrate my efforts teaching students the importance of money management. It is fantastic!!!